DnD Counterspell Rules You Don’t Need to Be a Wizard to Understand
Counterspell is a powerful tool in a Wizards’ arsenal in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) and the upcoming game, One DnD. While it can make for some epic wizard duels, Counterspell can also create a big headache for dungeon masters.
This spell allows players to interrupt the casting of another spell by a creature within 60 feet. In this article, we will cover the mechanics of Counterspell in DnD 5e, suggest potential improvements for One DnD and share our favorite homebrew Counterspell rules.
Counterspell DnD 5e Rules:
Level: 3
Component: Somatic (S)
Duration: Instant
School: Abjuration
Damage: Negation
To cast a Counterspell: a player must take a reaction when they see a creature casting a spell within 60 feet.
If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower: the spell fails and has no effect.
If the spell is 4th level or higher: the player makes a spell-casting ability check using their spellcasting ability, with a DC of 10 + the spell's level. If the check is successful, the spell fails and has no effect.
Casting Counterspell at higher levels: when a player casts Counterspell using a higher-level spell slot, the interrupted spell will have no effect if its level is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot used.
Edge Cases and Frequently Asked Questions:
Can you Counterspell a Counterspell in 5e? Yes. There's nothing in the rules that prohibits a player from casting a Counterspell against another Counterspell. However, there are some considerations for the Dungeon Master to keep in mind, such as the spellcaster having a free hand to perform the somatic gesture.
Can you Counterspell when you can't see the other caster? No. You can only cast Counterspell when you can see the creature casting the spell. If the creature can't be seen, they can’t be countered. If the creature is attempting to hide or conceal their spell casting, the Dungeon Master may require a perception check against their stealth roll.
Can you Counterspell a magical trap or Glyph of Warding? No. DnD 5e Counterspell rules state “You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell.” That means you have to cast Counterspell when the spell is cast, not when its effects are activated. Counterspell won’t work against Glyphs of Warding or magical traps that trigger the effect of a spell that was already cast.
Can multiple casters Counterspell a Counterspell? Yes. Multiple casters can participate in a chain of Counterspelling, allowing the original spell to be cast uninterrupted.
Can you cast Counterspell when restrained? Counterspell requires a free hand for the somatic gesture, so as long as you can move a hand, you can cast Counterspell. However, if you are paralyzed or frozen, you can't cast Counterspell.
Which classes can use Counterspell? The D&D 5e Counterspell is available to Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards.
How Counterspell Works in One DnD
The rules for One DnD are still being play tested, but one potential improvement for Counterspell is to clarify the rules for countering another Counterspell. In DnD 5e, battles between spell casters can often turn into a game of "Counterspell tag", with multiple parties countering each other's Counterspells in an attempt to be the first to cast a devastating spell.
In One DnD, a simple fix would be to state that casting a Counterspell interrupts and ends any other spell the wizard is casting that round. This would prevent the original caster from Counterspelling a Counterspell and still casting their original spell. However, a third wizard could still counter the Counterspell and allow the original caster to proceed with their spell. Ultimately, a battle of Counterspells can get expensive, leading to a "knife fight" between two parties of wizards.
Our Favorite Homebrew Counterspell Rules
Homebrew DnD 5e and One DnD Wizard Duel Rules:
This homebrew duel rule creates a mechanic that allows wizards to challenge each other to a duel that can decide disputes between wizards without causing any lasting damage or loss of spell slots.
Two wizards challenge each other to a duel. Each chooses a spell of 4th level or higher and casts it at the same time. The wizards then proceed to use their reactions to cast Counterspell. Disregarding the standard rules, the wizards can continue casting their Counterspells unrestricted until one succeeds and one fails. At that point, the one that fails gets hit with the spell. This continues with each wizard selecting a spell and Counterspelling, until one wizard runs out of hit points or spell casting slots. The battle takes place in a special magical circle that causes all damage done and spell slots consumed to be regained at the conclusion of the duel. The wizard who loses the duel takes one point of Exhaustion.
Critical Counterspell
If the wizard rolls a natural 20 on their ability check to counter a spell, the spell bounces back at the wizard who cast it. If you use this rule, allow the player to roll a D20 even when countering a spell of 3rd level or lower to check for a critical counter.