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How Cover Works in One DnD


Cultists take cover behind a door in One DnD.

Fast Answers to Common Questions About Cover in One DnD

Based on what’s been released so far, the rules for cover in One DnD remain the same as in DnD 5e. In brief, cover offers three levels of protection: half, three-fourths, and full cover.

  • Half cover offers a +2 bonus to armor class and dexterity saving throws

  • Three-fourths cover offers a +5 bonus to armor class and dexterity saving throws

  • Full cover provides total protection, with the exception of area of effect spells and attacks that call out that they work around cover

Frequently Asked Questions About Cover in One DnD

Can players take cover behind other players or creatures in combat?

Yes. According to the Player’s Handbook, “walls, trees, creatures, and other obstacles can provide cover during combat.” The amount of cover would vary by the size of both creatures. It's unlikely that a small character could gain full cover behind a medium character unless that character was using an action to remain still and provide cover.

Can You Attack from Behind Full Cover?

This is not well-defined in the rules. In general, we say yes, you can attack from behind full cover in One DnD. A player can use their movement to come out from behind full cover, attack, and then move back to full cover as long as they have enough movement. However, any opponent that acts before them could hold their action and attack when they leave cover, and opponents on the same initiative count could attack as well. Additionally, if a player makes a melee attack from behind cover, they would be vulnerable to an attack of opportunity when they moved back behind cover. This is a topic that should be clarified in future One DnD updates.

Can I take a bonus action after moving behind cover? Yes, moving behind cover does not consume your action or bonus action, so you can take a bonus action after moving to cover.

Can cover be destroyed? Yes, cover can be destroyed if it is flimsy or fragile, such as a wooden crate or a wooden door. The DM may decide that a particularly strong attack can destroy cover, or that it may break down over time.

Can I take a hide action behind cover? Yes, you can take the hide action behind cover as long as you have a place to conceal yourself. However, keep in mind that full cover provides total protection, so you cannot be seen while behind it, and the hide action would not be necessary.

Home Brew: Suggestions for Simplifying Cover Rules

Armor class adjustments for different types of cover are hard to remember, especially during a fast-paced combat encounter.

An alternative home brew option that we use in our games is to reduce the types of cover to Partial and Full. Attackers receive disadvantage when attacking someone behind partial cover and creatures with partial cover get advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Full cover functions the same as in the normal rules.

This alternative rule simplifies cover game mechanics for both DMs and players, making it easier to remember during combat, so players stay in the action instead of in the rule books.



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