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The Elephant's Heart, Part Three: The Tower


Updated: Apr 12, 2023

Yara the sorcerer sits on his throne in his chamber in this free DnD one shot adventure.

Part Three of a Free DnD One Shot Adventure Inspired by the Conan Short Story, The Tower of the Elephant


Part Three: The Tower

Yara is the foremost of the sorcerer masters of Arenjun and feared by even the other spell casters of the city. His mind is corrupted by centuries of dealings with being from the nine hells and the outer planes, but he is brimming with power. The players will not defeat him in a direct confrontation. The only way to survive is for the players to find the Elephant's Heart before Yara finds them.

A staircase winds its way up the perimeter of the tower providing access to each room. There are 11 rooms listed here from bottom to top.

1: Dungeon

2: Watch Chamber, Armory and Guard Quarters

3: Throne Room

4: Library

5: Alchemy Room

6: Teleportation Chamber

7: Summoning Chamber

8: Observatory

9: Yara’s Chamber

10: The Chamber of Yag-kosha

11: Treasure Room

Tower Dungeon

A map of the dungeon in the Elephant's Tower.

The dungeons can be accessed by a locked door at the end of the secret passage from the Fountain, or from a locked door at the base of the Winding Stair just below the Watch Chamber. Both doors are made of wood and reinforced with iron. They are both locked and require a DC 17 dexterity check to pick or a DC 20 strength check to smash. Smashing the doors has a 1 in 4 chance (1 on a D4) of waking Yara. Once awake he will teleport to the room on his next action.

The Dungeons are shrouded in complete darkness but players will hear moaning and feel unnaturally cold air and a sense of dread.

Once Players can see the Dungeon, read the following: As you step through the secret passage, you're hit with a wall of stench that makes you want to retch. There is a large cage in the center of the room, filled with putrid hay and festering meat that was likely once human. Flies buzz around, and maggots squirm in the rotting flesh. This is where the Abyssal lions sleep during the day. Along the walls, there are ten cells separated by iron bars. Eight of them are empty except for the remains of past prisoners, their bones cracked and broken, their marrow removed. Two of the cells contain monstrosities, barely resembling human beings, twisted and tortured beyond recognition. They moan in pain and grasp at the bars as you walk by. In another cell, a woman pleads with you to free her, offering to help you in return. You can hear the clink of chains, and the occasional sound of something moving in the shadows. You feel uneasy, knowing that you're not alone in this place.

1. Lion’s Cage: The air here is slick with a viscous miasma of excrement and rotting flesh. This is where the Abyssal lions sleep during the day. Thankfully they are not present at the moment. The hay on the ground is covered in festering meat, which upon closer examination, looks to be human flesh, covered with maggots and flies.

2. Prison Cells: There are ten cells with iron bars, eight are empty except for cracked human bones that have had their marrow removed. One cell houses a prisoner, a wench who has displeased yara. One cell contains mutilated monstrosities.

3. Mutilated Monstrosities: There are 3 misshapen creatures that look like failed magical experiments or victims of tortures beyond even the most depraved inventions of sane men. They moan in pain and grasp at the players as they walk by. If freed, they will attack the players and use the same stats as Zombies.

4. Amirah the Wench: One cell houses a dirty, terrified, yet beautiful wench who begs to be released. She is desperate and will try to seduce the players to set her free. She will not follow the players into the tower until Yara is dead. But she will offer to help the players by operating the lift and by telling the players everything she knows.

Amirah knows the following information:

  • Yara keeps a strange creature not of this world imprisoned at the top of the tower. She has heard its other-worldly wails of pain as Yara tortures it late into the night.

  • The guards only patrol the first and second floors of the tower, everything else is off limits.

  • Yara is a powerful sorcerer who is hundreds of years old, he has conquered death, occasionally his appearance becomes corpse-like, but he is rejuvenated after visiting the chamber where he keeps the strange creature captive at the top of the tower.

  • Almost everything in the upper tower is trapped, beware!

5. The Gaoler: The ghost of Yara's last Gaoler still works for him in death and will attempt to convince the players not to trust the wench in the cage. He does this without speaking and will gesture to a large crank that works a lift that leads to the upper chambers of the tower. The Gaoler will offer to raise the players up to the top of the tower. In reality this is a trap. The Gaoler will raise them almost to the top, then drop them 100 feet inflicting 10D6 fall damage. Those who survive the fall will be attacked. The Gaoler will attempt to possess the strongest surviving party member and attack the others.

6. The Lift: The lift is a wooden box braced with iron bands and enclosed on three sides. There is a rope attached to the top that snakes through a system of pulleys and attaches to a crank. The lift is well made and a player or NPC must make a DC 10 strength check to operate the lift. After raising ten feet the lift passes into a narrow shaft. There is a release that can be used at any time to cause the lift to crash back to the ground.

Once inside the shaft, the only way to escape is to break through the roof or floor of the lift with One DC 23 strength check or three DC 19 Strength checks.

The lift leads to a locked door just below the Treasure Room at the top of the tower. A DC 15 dexterity check is required to pick the lock. If the check fails, a trap is triggered and the lift will fall 120 feet. Anyone inside takes 12D6 fall damage.

A player can also attempt to bash the door with a DC 17 strength check. Successfully breaking down the door will trigger the trap and anyone still in the lift will plummet 120 feet to the ground. Anyone inside takes 12D6 fall damage. And there is a 1 in 4 chance the noise will wake Yara, who will exit his chamber the next turn and head up the Winding Stair to the lift door.

The Winding Stair

A silver staircase winds its way up the tower from the Dungeon at the bottom to the trap door that leads to the treasure room at the top of the tower. All rooms in the tower branch off of this winding stair. The stairs are illuminated by a dim magic glow that seems to come from all directions at once.

Tower Level 1: Guard's Quarters

A map of the guard's quarters in the Elephant's Tower.

1. Watch Chamber: The main entrance to the tower leads to this room. There are six guards on watch. No one should be on the temple grounds unescorted and the guards will attack any intruders on sight.

There is a large gong at the back of the room. One of the guards will use their first action to move to the gong and bash it unless the players can stop him. Bashing the gong has a 1 in 4 chance of awakening Yara.

Once awakened, Yara will teleport into the Watch Chamber at the beginning of the next round.

Tower Guards use the stats of the Guard in the 5e Monster Manual.

2. Winding Stair: A silver, winding staircase leads from the watch chamber to the higher levels of the tower.

3. The Armory: This room is filled with racks of 12 longswords, 12 spears, 6 shields,6 long bows and 500 arrows, as well as 6 chainmail hauberks and 6 helmets.

A detect magic spell will reveal that all 12 swords are enchanted. These are not typical magical weapons. If anyone other than the Tower Guards touch any of the swords in this room, all the swords come to life and form into a Sword Storm, a swirling vortex that attacks any intruders in the room. The Sword Storm will not follow creatures out of the room and can be defeated by casting Dispel Magic.

4. Living Quarters: A large open room filled with cots for sleeping and living in by the tower's guards and servants.Each bed has a chest at its foot that contains the occupants clothing and personal possessions. There is nothing of value here.

5. Kitchen and Store Room: A room where food can be prepared and cooked for the tower's inhabitants and a large open area with rows of shelves used to store various goods, such as food, wine, and household items.

6. Privy: No treasure here. If a player uses the privy, they will be attacked through the toilet by a Grick.

Tower Level 2: The Throne Room

A map of the throne room in the Elephant's Tower.

Throne Room and Great Hall: A set of unlocked silver doors studded with gems open into this vast chamber that Yara uses to hold audiences with kings, wizards and the elite of Arenjun. This is a vast throne room with marble pillars and elaborate tile mosaics covering the walls and floor. The walls are also lined with two dozen taxidermied heads of various beasts and monsters, their eyes gleam with an eerie awareness.

Mounted Heads: The heads are all enchanted and have a passive perception of 15. If the players made no attempt at stealth when opening the door, the creatures have already been alerted to their presence.

If the heads notice the players, they all begin to make a cacophony of wild animal calls that echo through the tower, awakening Yara. Once awakened, Yara will teleport to the throne room at the beginning of the next round.

Tower Level 3: The Library

A map of the library in the Elephant's Tower.

The Arcane Library: This room is behind a towering wooden door with an eye carved into it.

Read the Following as players enter: As you step into the room, the scent of old parchment and leather hits you. Towering bookshelves line the walls, filled with ancient tomes and grimoires. The desk in the center of the room is littered with quills, inkwells and an open Tomb as if the wizard had recently left. A large raven is perched on the back of a chair in front of the desk.

There is a book open on the desk called Thoth-Amon’s Dissertations on Teleportation. It is open to a page describing how a wizard can teleport to any room in his home using a series of specially enchanted orbs. Yara has several notes scrawled in the margins about how to cast the required enchantments.

Raven: The Raven is actually an Imp in disguise. It is Yara’s servant. The Imp will try to warn Yara that intruders are in the tower. It will either pretend to be friendly until the players are distracted and fly out or perhaps even try to befriend the players and sneak away later. If threatened, the Imp will turn invisible and attempt to flee.

Treasure: The library contains knowledge of virtually any subject the players may wish to explore and every book is a treasure worth between 10 and 500 gp each.

Tower Level 4: The Alchemy Lab

A map of the potion lab in the Elephant's Tower.

The Alchemy Lab: The lab is behind a heavy metal door coated in gold and inlaid with a mosaic of gems depicting a flame.

Read the following when players enter: A pungent odor wafts through the door as you step into this room. Shelves lining the walls are filled with strange ingredients and jars bubbling with liquids. In the center of the room is a large work table covered in beakers and burners.

The Players Find the Following Potions:

Potion of Invisibility: This potion’s container looks empty but feels as though it holds liquid. When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell.

Potion of Hill Giant Strength: Gives the drinker the strength of a hill giant (21) for 1 hour.

Potion of Yara’s Hideous Screeching: This potion looks identical to a potion of healing and unless a wizard makes a DC 19 arcana check when identifying it, they will miss-identify it as a healing potion. After a creature drinks this potion, it takes 1D12 minutes to take effect. Until then, they feel nothing. Once it takes effect, any time the creature tries to take any action, attack, move, speak, etc. it just screeches a blood curdling scream at the top of its lungs instead. The effects last for 1 minute. Each time a player screams from this potion, there is a 1-in-4 chance Yara will be alerted to their presence.

Potion of Healing: Restores 2d4+2 hit points when drunk.

Potion of Fire Breath: After drinking this potion, you can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the fire three times or when 1 hour has passed. This potion’s orange liquid flickers, and smoke fills the top of the container and wafts out whenever it is opened.

Potion of Laughter: Causes the drinker to laugh uncontrollably for 1 minute, rendering them unable to take actions. There is a 1-in-4 chance Yara will be alerted to the player’s presence if no actions are taken to silence them.

Potion of Shrinking: Reduces the drinker's size to that of a mouse for 1 hour, giving them advantage on Dexterity checks but disadvantage on Strength checks. The victims weapons, armor and clothing do not shrink with them.

Tower Level 5: Teleportation Chamber

A map of the teleportation chamber in the Elephant's Tower.

The Teleportation Chamber: This room lies behind a stained-glass door depicting a swirling vortex.

Read the following to players when they enter the room: This room is empty except for a single table in the center. There are 11 small indentations in a table, each of which houses an orb about the size of a fist. Each ball is made of a different material and embossed with an image.

1: A wood ball with a rusted iron band wrapped around it (Dungeon)

2: A steel ball with an image of a sword (Watch Chamber)

3: A silver ball encrusted with gems (Throne Room)

4: A wooden ball with a carving of an eye (Library)

5: A gold ball with a image of a flame (Alchemy Room)

*: This indention in the table is empty (Yara carried this ball)

6: A ball covered in stretched hide with a pentagram painted on it (Summoning Chamber)

7: A charred and blackened wooden ball speckled with small diamonds (Observatory)

8: A black onyx ball with a silver skill (Yara’s Chamber)

9: An ivory ball with an elephant’s head carved in it (The Chamber of Yag-kosha)

10: A ball made from a single polished red ruby, with a heart carved into it (The Treasure Room)

Using the Teleportation Orbs

  • This room is the reason Yara can teleport anywhere in his tower.

  • Each ball corresponds to a room in the tower and touching a ball instantly teleports the person who touched it to the corresponding room.

  • Yara carries the fifth orb which can teleport him to this chamber from anywhere in the tower.

  • It is possible to use other objects to move and manipulate the orbs without teleporting.

*If Yara uses the teleportation room to search for the players, roll a D10 to determine to which room he randomly teleports.

Tower Level 6: Summoning Chamber

A map of the summoning chamber in the Elephant's Tower.

The Summoning Chamber: This room is behind a door covered in leather that looks disturbingly human, emblazoned with a red pentagram.

Read the following when the players enter: The moment you step into this room, you feel a chill down your spine. Another pentagram drawn in red dominates the floor, surrounded by a circle of candles. You can hear faint whispers and rustling noises coming from the shadows in the corners of the room.

Treasure: A spell scroll for summoning a Barlgura demon. The demon summoned by the scroll will be hostile and attack the players.

Tower Level 7: Observatory

A map of the observatory in the Elephant's Tower.

The Observatory: The door to this room is made of charred, blacked wood studded with diamonds and gems that gleam like stars.

Players should make an arcana check DC 15 when entering this room. Any player that

succeeds will recognize that the gems on the door form a constellation in the night sky called “The Scythe”.

Read the following when players enter the room: As you enter the room, the air is cooler and fresher than in the other parts of the tower. The walls are lined with intricately detailed star charts, maps, and celestial diagrams. The room is lit by a soft luminescence that seems to emanate from the charts themselves, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.

On the far side of the room, you see a large telescope mounted to the floor, pointed towards an open window that looks out onto the night sky. The telescope is made of polished brass and is fitted with various lenses and eyepieces.

The Telescope: If the players move the telescope until it is pointed at the Scythe constellation in the night sky. They hear a faint clicking sound and a previously invisible door opens behind them.

This room is where Yara hides his coins. The room contains a massive pile of treasure: 5000 gold coins, 10,000 silver coins, and 100,000 copper. However, touching any of it triggers a glyph of warding that instantly alerts Yara to the presence of someone in his treasure room.

The treasure is also cursed. Any creature that touches it must succeed at a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, or be unable to leave the treasure. They can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns to break the enchantment.

Yara is holding the Heart of the Elephant gem while standing before a skull idol.

Tower Level 8: Yara’s Chamber

A map of Yara's chamber in the Elephant's Tower.

“I do not rot in my tower as a shade, for mine is the immortality of the beautiful and undying Akivasha, not the cursed undeath of the lich.” –Yara

The room has an unlocked ebony door with a grinning silver skull in the center.

If Yara has not been alerted to the presence of the players, they will find him here reclining on a silken couch, deep in a yellow lotus induced trance. If Yara has left the room in pursuit of the players, they will find this room unguarded.

If Yara is in the room, he will wake up from his hallucinations and attack the players if they do not succeed on a DC 19 stealth check.

Treasure: Yara’s chamber contains little of value. There is incense worth 25gp.

5 doses of Yellow Lotus powder.

Yellow Lotus Powder:

The yellow lotus flower.

Yellow Lotus powder is known for its hallucinogenic effects. It is derived from the Yellow Lotus plant. The powder is typically inhaled. When a character uses Yellow Lotus powder, they must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the character is immediately incapacitated and falls into a deep hallucinogenic trance that lasts for 1d6 hours. During this time, the character is unable to move or take any actions, but they are conscious and experience vivid and often disturbing hallucinations.

If a character succeeds on the saving throw, they still experience the hallucinogenic effects but are able to remain conscious and functional. They gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks, as their senses and perception are heightened.

Yag-kosha sits on a throne.

Tower Level 9: The Chamber of Yag-kosha and The Elephant’s Heart

A map of Yag-kosha's chamber in the Elephant's Tower.

The chamber of Yag-kosha is located just below the treasure room at the top of the tower behind an Ivory door with carvings of elephants and set with blood stones. Thin wisps of smoke waft from beneath the door, bearing an exotic odor unfamiliar to the players. The door is unlocked.

When the players enter the room where Yag-kosha is kept they will encounter the ancient being and have the opportunity to learn about his tragic past and the secrets of the Elephant's Heart gem. However, they must be careful, as Yag-kosha is not to be trifled with and will defend himself if threatened.

As Players Enter the Room, Read the Following: The ivory door swings silently inward. You gaze into a large chamber with a domed golden ceiling. The walls are of green jade, the floor of ivory, partly covered by thick rugs. Incense smoke and exotic scents cloud the room. In the center of the room is an ivory altar upon which sits a transparent red gem the size of a fist. Behind the altar is an idol on a marble throne. The effigy has the body of a man, naked, and green, but the head is one of nightmare and madness. Too large for the human body, it has no attributes of humanity, with wide flaring ears, and a curling trunk, on either side of which stand white tusks.

Cosmic Terror: Anyone who gazes upon Yag-Kosha feels instantly that they are face-to-face with a being of the Elder World, and the realization can rob those of weak constitution of their senses.

Players who look upon Yag-kosha must make a DC 12 Constitution save. On a failed save, they experience one effect from the short-term madness table.

Short-Term Madness d100 Effect (lasts 1d10 minutes)

01–20 The character retreats into his or her mind and becomes paralyzed. The Effect ends if the character takes any damage.

21–30 The character becomes incapacitated and spends the duration screaming, laughing, or weeping.

31–40 The character becomes frightened and must use his or her action and movement each round to flee from the source of the fear.

41–50 The character begins babbling and is incapable of normal Speech or spellcasting.

51–60 The character must use his or her action each round to attack the nearest creature.

61–70 The character experiences vivid hallucinations and has disadvantage on ability checks.

71–75 The character does whatever anyone tells him or her to do that isn’t obviously self-­destructive.

76–80 The character experiences an overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal.

81–90 The character is stunned.

91–100 The character falls unconscious.

If the players have the courage to enter the room, read the following: As you enter the room, the eyes of the idol open suddenly! The trunk of the horror quests about, the milky eyes stare blindly. In a stammering voice from jaws never built for human speech the thing says, ‘'Who is here? Have you come to torture me again, Yara? Will you never be done? Oh, Yag-kosha, is there no end to agony?'

Tears roll from the sightless eyes. Terror is replaced by pity as your gaze strays to the thing’s limbs where you recognize the marks of the rack, and the searing brand of the flame.

The being that sits before the players in no statue crafted by mortal hands. It is a Great Old One, a cosmic entity hailing from a race once venerated as gods by civilizations whose origins and falls are beyond the reach of mankind's memories. Yara trapped the creature and sapped it of its power for countless ages, leaving the once-majestic entity a writhing and tormented husk. Yet the boundless cosmic energy of the Yog still lingers, palpable to any who gaze upon it.

Yag-kosha will ask the players to approach it and attempt to touch them with his trunk.

If a player allows Yag-kosha to touch him: Then Yag-kosha will instantly understand all that has transpired that night and will seek to recruit the players to help him free himself and defeat the sorcerer Yara.

If the players attack Yag-kosha: He will defend himself. He is still a powerful creature and the noise of the battle has a 1 in 4 chance of alerting waking Yara every round, who will immediately teleport to the chamber and attack the players.

If the players trust Yar-kosha he will speak to them and say: ‘The red gem on the altar in this chamber is the Elephant’s Heart. Take your blade and cut out my beating heart. Squeeze it so that the blood flows over the gem. Then find Yara. Speak his name, then lay this gem before him, and say, "Yag-kosha gives you a last gift and a last enchantment." Then get you from this tower as quickly as you can. Fear not man nor magic, for your way shall be made clear. Human death is not the death of Yag. Let me be free of this cage of broken blind flesh.'

If questioned Yag-kosha can also reveal the following:

  • Long ago he was worshiped as a god by primitive humans, Yara was his priest before he tricked him into revealing magical secrets that allowed Yara to enslave him and feed off his power.

  • Yara is not a man. He is a descendent of serpent people who long ago took the form of men and seek to usurp the earth from them.

  • He is a Yog, a creature from a planet on the outer edge of the universe who flew to earth on wings that allow him to traverse the cosmos.

  • He once helped and cared for humans Even in death he may be able to help humanity and the players once more. (The nature of this help is up to the DM to decide.)

The Elephant’s Heart Gem

When the players present the gem to Yara, he will recoil in fear as he realizes the players have tampered with the source of his immortality.

When the gem soaked in Yag-kosha’s blood is shown to Yara, read the following: Yara, recoils in fear. The jewel pulses with smoky waves of changing colors. As if drawn hypnotically, Yara bends down and grips the gem and stares into its depths. Yara then seems to shrink.

Now Yara is no bigger than a child; And now the sorcerer suddenly realizes his fate, he springs up, releasing the gem. But still he dwindles, an impish figure rushing wildly about, waving tiny arms and shrieking in a voice like the squeak of an insect.

Yara tries to turn and run but seems to be pulled toward the gem. You see him clamber up the smooth, curving surface, like a man climbing a glass mountain. Suddenly he sinks into the very heart of the jewel, as a man sinks into the sea. And into the heart comes a green, shining winged figure with the body of a man and the head of an elephant—no longer blind or crippled. Yara throws up his arms and flees as a madman, and on his heels comes the avenger. Then, like the bursting of a bubble, the great jewel vanishes in a rainbow burst of iridescent gleams.

Tower Level 10: The Treasure Chamber

A map of the treasure room in the Elephant's Tower.

This is a large room with walls, ceiling, and floor made of a silver metal, elaborately carved and decorated with intricate and twisting patterns. This room is full of treasure, but it is also a deadly trap designed to catch thieves who attempt to scale the tower.

Read this aloud when the players enter the room: Your eyes widen as you take in the sight before you. The chamber is littered with piles of exquisite treasures, their shimmering radiance captivating your mind. Glittering jewels and lustrous gems are scattered across the floor, like stars in a pitch-black sky. At the center of the chamber, a large, otherworldly gem rests atop a sculpted ivory pedestal, pulsating with a red aura that bathes the room in crimson. Its heart-like shape evokes an otherworldly presence. The intricate carvings of elephants that grace the pedestal, though finely crafted, seem to quiver with an unknown energy. The walls offer no escape, save for a single trapdoor on the floor, as if daring you to descend deeper into the unknown depths of the tower.

Gem Trap: Anyone who touches the gem on the pedestal must make a DC 17 wisdom saving throw. On a failed save:

  • Yara is immediately alerted to their presence and casts detect thoughts on the player.

  • Yara learns details of the players plans, how many of them there are and why they have entered the temple.

  • Yara then sends a Psychic Scream attack through the gem dealing 10 (2d6 + 4) psychic damage to the victim and stunning them until the end of Yara’s next turn.

On each of Yara’s turns, he will attempt another Psychic Scream attack until the player is reduced to zero hit points. If the player succeeds on a saving throw and breaks free of the gem, Yara will teleport to the chamber and attack the players.

Psychic Scream: The player must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 10 (2d6 + 4) psychic damage and be stunned until the end of Yara’s next turn as their mind is assailed by the shrieks of demonic spirits.

Stygian Gem Spiders: The room is full of valuable gems and magical items, but it is also infested with Stygian Gem spiders, which can range in size from an apple to a pea. Their abdomens look like gemstones, making them difficult to spot. When picked up with other treasure, the spiders will hide until they can bite an exposed area or crawl into armor. Their bite can paralyze their victim, and they are magically enthralled to crawl away and alert yara when a victim is paralyzed.

Anytime the players take gems from the treasure room, they will also pick up 1D4 stygian gem spiders.

Trap Door: The trap door is a sturdy wooden door that is locked from the inside with a padlock. It cannot be picked from the treasure room. The door has a glyph of warding that triggers a 3rd level fireball spell (24 / 8D6 damage) in the room if anyone breaks through it with a successful DC 17 strength check. There is a 1 in 4 chance of alerting Yara if the trap is triggered. The trap door is not perfectly sealed, and tiny creatures like spiders and insects can pass through it. To open the trap door safely, players must find a way to pick the lock with a DC 15 dexterity check from the otherside.

The Winding Stair leads up the tower to the trap door, and a player can easily reach the door while standing on the top of the stairs.

Treasure: In addition to deadly traps, the room is full of actual treasure. Players who pillage the room will find the following:

  • 6 large rubies, each worth 500 gold pieces

  • 10 moderate sized emeralds, each worth 200 gold pieces

  • 2 small but exceptional quality diamonds, each worth 1,000 gold pieces

  • 10 small pink rubies each worth 50 gold pieces

  • 3 medium sapphires, each worth 50 gold pieces

  • 50 assorted small gems worth 5 gold pieces

  • A set of 3 scrolls, including a scroll of teleportation, a scroll of fireball, and a scroll of invisibility

  • A pair of gloves of thievery, granting a +3 bonus to sleight of hand and lock pick checks

  • A potion of healing, restoring 4d4+4 hit points when consumed

  • A sapphire amulet, granting the wearer resistance to cold damage

  • A suit of glimmering +1 chainmail studded with gems, four of which are actually Stygian Gem Spiders

  • A pearl of power, allowing the user to regain one expended spell slot of up to 3rd level 1 time per day


As soon as the gem vanishes or Yara is killed, the tower begins to quake and rumble. The players must flee quickly to avoid being caught in the collapse. If they escape through the guard chamber they will find that all the guards are already dead as if struck down suddenly and without warning at their posts.


Part Three: The Tower

All maps created using Worldographer. According to our research, The Tower of the Elephant is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed. All original content Copyright 2023, Dungeon Matters.



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